ISDS Annual Winter Fundraiser 2023
Sanatana Dharma: Bringing Our World from Darkness to the Light of Dharma

Sanatana Dharma

Bringing Our World from Darkness to the Light of Dharma

The International Sanatana Dharma Society is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year (2023). Initially founded in 1998 by Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya as a movement dedicated to restoring every aspect of authentic Vedic civilization and spirituality to our world, the ISDS has accomplished a tremendous amount in these last 25 years.

Over the last two and a half decades we have:

- Recorded over a thousand videos of talks that Sri Acharyaji has given, and are systematically releasing them on all of our online video channels across many video platforms.

- Released over a dozen highly authoritative and well-selling books written by Sri Acharyaji on a variety of Vedic topics, including the book Radical Universalism: Are All Religions the Same?, which will be released soon.

- Created, which was also founded in 1998 concurrently with the founding of the ISDS, and which has become one of the largest websites dedicated to restoring authentic Sanatana Dharma on the Internet today. The latest and beautifully updated version of was just released last month.

- Founded a fully functioning and dedicated ashrama, Dharma educational center, and temple of Sriman Narayana in the Omaha area as the physical headquarters of the ISDS (one of only two “Hindu” temples in the entire state of Nebraska recognized by both the federal and state governments).

- Established the largest library dedicated to knowledge of Sanatana Dharma in the state of Nebraska.

- Started the Dharma Nation Discord forum and online community, with almost 600 (and growing!) ISDS devotees engaging in daily, 24/7 live chat, discussions and learning opportunities.

- The ISDS now has dedicated members and devotees in approximately 70 nations throughout the world!

- The establishment of the Center for the Study of Dharma and Civilization, an academic think tank dedicated to presenting the world-view of Sanatana Dharma among intellectual and academic circles.

- Most importantly, for all of the many decades that Sri Acharyaji has been teaching, he has counseled many thousands of people throughout the globe, giving Vedic initiation to many hundreds of the most sincere of his students.

The International Sanatana Dharma Society has only been able to achieve these many accomplishments with the dedicated and faithful support of the many well-wishers, donors and volunteers of the ISDS. With this year-end fundraiser for 2023, we need your help now more than ever!

Our 2023 fundraiser is starting on the auspicious holy day of Dīpāvali (November 12, 2023) and ending at Midnight of December 31st , 2023.

If you are in a position to do so, please donate generously this year to the ISDS. Follow the link below to donate safely and securely online.

Our Short-Term Goals for 2024:

- New Bookcases for the Temple Library: The present bookcases housing the 3000 books in our library are all very old and in varying degrees of disrepair. We are planning to purchase a dozen brand new, 72 inch tall wooden bookcases to store temple library’s books. We wish to honor our collection of temple books by giving them the respectful home they deserve.

- Complete Mortgage Payment – We owe about $12,000 left on the mortgage for the temple building. We would like to finally pay this off and start the new year debt free.

· We still need to refinish major parts of the temple’s basement level for added room to grow. This includes the creation of a dedicated multimedia production space.

- Temple Maintenance – With rising utility and maintenance costs, we need to ensure that we will be able to cover all daily operational costs for the next year.

- Growth of the ISDS – As the ISDS continues to grow, we will need an array of new
computers, software, paid services and miscellaneous expenditures to help foster our ever-expansive movement’s continued success.

These are only a few of the many purposes that your generous donations will go toward.

We thank you in advance for your kind contributions toward the work of Sri Acharyaji and our many dedicated devotee volunteers throughout the world.

Jaya Sriman Narayana