Dharma news

Holy Name Day - December 26th, 2024

For the last four years, the International Sanātana Dharma Society has celebrated the annual event known as Holy Name Day on December 26th of each year. On this day, we ask all sincere devotees throughout the world to recite the sacred mantra Aum Namo Narayanaya 108 times.

The goal of this worldwide event is to thank God for His blessings for the closing year, as well as to create a spiritually auspicious environment for the coming year.

We ask you to join us this Thursday, December 26 (the day after Christmas), at 7pm Central Time for a special YouTube livestream in which Sri Dharma Pravārtaka Acharya will lead us all in the reciting of the auspicious Tiru mantra (Narayana mantra).

The livestream link is below.

2024-12-23 07:46 Dharma News